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Random facts about massage therapy

Touch is a crucial part of our lives. It has the ability to help us grow and thrive. The body has over 5 million touch receptors. 3.000 of those receptors are in your fingertips. Think about that for a moment. The act of touch is able to lower your heart rate and blood pressure. It also releases endorphins which is the hormone produced in the body that is a natural pain killer. That is why when a mother hugs her child, they start to feel better right away. Touch is also the first sense that we develop and the last one to fade. That's how important it is.

Stress is responsible for 80%-90% of sickness and disease so managing it is crucial for your health. There are over 40 health benefits from getting a massage. Doctors are recommending massage therapy to their patients. Hospitals are even considering bringing massage therapists in because it is an medication free option to pain relief. It has been scientifically proven to be effective in dealing with stress and pain.

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